Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Mysterious ways!!

Yes, God works in mysterious ways. But the problem with us is that we want to know in advance how God will provide or change our situation almost like giving Him directions on how He should do it. Listen to me: Our job is to PRAY and BELIEVE, what could be simpler than that?:-) If we want our prayers to be answered we should have expectancy of a little child. A great example is when my 10 year old asked for an iPhone for her 10th birthday...she placed an order and forgot about it. She didn't care whether I had money or not and never had sleepless nights wondering whether  she will get it or not. She slept like a Princess. And waited for her phone with so much Joy! She didn't care whether I could afford it or not, she was busy looking at iPhone covers..can you imagine?!:-) But as adults what do we do? 🙂 Ask God for something and spend countless nights worrying and right to figure out God can bring that $1000 to us. Remember, our ways are not His ways. Delight in the Lord and He will give you ALL the desires of your heart. Join me this month as we PRAISE and Thank God in advance and Prepare for His blessings! I am ALL in, are you? Blessings, Kay Rose