Wednesday, September 21, 2016

He sees it all. He has not forgotten YOU...

When you fall and crumble down. He sees it all. He has not forgotten YOU...
"I believe; but help my unbelief."
It’s easy to find ourselves in this very place, when everything is crumbling down. We are in the middle of the year and still No breakthrough. No restoration. No recompense. No restitution. No redemption in whatever areas you are praying for…what a tight spot to be in.
You have believed.
You have prayed.
You have trusted.
You have been patient in affliction.
You have offered up a multitude of a form of worship called a sacrifice of praise in the midst of painful circumstance after painful circumstance…
Disappointed so many times that depression has taken up permanent residence in your heart...
But wait!
There is GOOD NEWS in Mark 9
A Father is hurting over a serious situation with his son and he brings his son to Jesus for healing.
Jesus asks the Father, "How long has this been happening?"
And he answered, "From childhood."
The Father goes on to explain in some detail about the circumstances surrounding his son and says to Jesus, "If you can do anything, please have compassion on us and help us." Mark 9:22
"What do you mean, 'if I can'?" Jesus asked. Mark 9:23
Jesus then says "Anything is possible if a person believes."
The Father replies, "I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!" Mark 9:24
The scriptures tell us that the very next thing that happens is that Jesus immediately helped his son.
It was important for me to see that Jesus wanted to know how long it had been and he also spoke directly to his unbelief by asking him, "What do you mean, 'If I can'?"
Jesus is concerned with how long we have suffered with our circumstances.
And sometimes the only way we can overcome our unbelief is by receiving the breakthrough.
Each time He answers or moves on our behalf- our faith increases. Those situations become stones of remembrance in our faith walk, where we can look back and remember and know that no matter what it looks like, He is for us and Not against us…
Even if it takes weeks, months or years.
I hope these words bring encouragement and if you are waiting and wondering if He still can, I pray that these words are a healing balm for your heart today…
"What do you mean, 'If I can'?"
Heal your body?
Restore your soul?
Redeem your circumstances?
Open your womb?
Heal your marriage?
Restore the years the locusts have eaten?
Replace your lost income?
Renew your mind?
Open up contract/job opportunities?
Bring your husband home?
Give you the desire of your heart?
Help you in that situation?
Bring your daughter home?
Give you an incredible husband?
Teach you my word?
Help you in raising your children?
Reveal myself to you in a new way?
He still can my friends.
Relax in the Lord. 2 Corinthians 5:16-18
He is well able to do above all we can think, hope or imagine.

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